Ginnastic Arena Gym

Ginnastic Arena Gym Rules

All Ginnastic Arena members (“members”), guests, and those periodically visiting (together “you”) a Ginnastic Arena gym in operation in Pakistan (a “gym”) must comply with these rules. These rules are incorporated into a member’s contract with us, and compliance with these rules is important both to maintain the standards at our gym and to enable members to get full enjoyment from their membership. In these rules, “Ginnastic Arena”, “us”, “we” or “our” means Ginnastic Arena trading through any Ginnastic group. Words and phrases in these rules have the same meanings as given in our membership Terms & Conditions, unless specified otherwise.
Any person who does not comply with these rules (or engages in any other misconduct) may be ejected from, or denied access to a Gym, or may have their membership terminated by Ginnastic Arena. Your safety and that of our people here at our gym, is our highest priority.
We reserve the right to make reasonable amendments to these rules, or our individual gym operational rules, at any time. If we do this, we will give members reasonable advance notice by making you aware in our gym.
As a result of COVID-19, things have been operating a little differently and we are continuously monitoring the situation to make any necessary changes. As such, the gym rules will change from time to time. If in doubt, please ask a member of our team.
Any special measures and operational rules (on display in various parts of the Gym) take precedence over any others for the time being and they are in place to provide a safe environment for all; for training right, in line with best practice for hygiene, cleanliness, gym operations, team and member safety.


Our goal is to act morally and achieve the most equitable result for our members. Our complaints policy is intended to help you get the best result by giving you the opportunity to communicate with the most pertinent contacts in a timely manner.

  • Acceptance of an application for membership at our gym is at our absolute discretion (although we will exercise our discretion reasonably, and in compliance with applicable laws).
  • Membership entitles members to use the facilities available from time to time. We offer different types of memberships and facilities, and may change from time to time.
  • If you are under trail for any terrorism related activities; we ask that you do not enter into a membership at our gym, we reserve the right to terminate your Ginnastic Arena membership if we suspect that you may be in breach of this rule.


  • A membership card will be issued to each member when they join.
  • There is a fee of Rs.1000/- for replacement of lost, stolen, or damaged cards.
  • Each member must have his/her/their card swiped for security and verification on each visit before proceeding into the gym. Any member without a valid membership card may be asked for proof of identification.
  • A member must not lend their membership card to anyone else as membership is personal.
  • On termination of membership, for any reason, the member is required to surrender their membership card and to Ginnastic Arena.
  • Where Ginnastic Arena terminates a member’s membership, this may make the member ineligible for membership at the gym. For this purpose, Ginnastic Arena will communicate such Member’s personal data, and reason for termination to administer this rule.


  • Members (over the age of 16) may bring guests provided that: (a) We receive payment of the guest fee, as set out at the time of the guest’s visit charged by the club; and (b) The guest completes a Health Commitment Statement as requested by us.
  • If a Member is under 18, their guest must be 16 or over.
  • Members must accompany their guest at all times and the member who brings the guest remains responsible for their guest’s conduct whilst they are in a the gym. The member may not leave that gym prior to their guest’s departure.
  • Certain former members, persons who have applied for memberships but have been denied, and former members of staff, may be ineligible to be a member, or guest. If in doubt, the member should check with gym’s management for advice.
  • A member who has “frozen” his/her membership will not be allowed access to the gym until the frozen time lapses (including as a guest).
  • Members must ensure their guests pay the appropriate guest fee, or surrender a valid guest pass (if applicable) before accompanying them into the gym.
  • Members must ensure that their guests comply with these rules.
  • A person may be allowed to enter as a visitor to the gym by prior arrangement or appointment, subject to Ginnastic Arena’s absolute discretion and may be required to pay the guest fee (as set out in the gym price list, current at the time of visit) and provide photo ID to gain entry.
  • All visitors must complete a Health Commitment Statement prior to using the Gym.


  • You should conduct yourself in a quiet and well-mannered fashion when in the gym, and in a manner that will not disturb or impair the use and enjoyment of any other person.
  • In particular you may not use foul, loud, or abusive language, nor will you behave in a threatening manner, nor will you molest, or harass, other members, guests, visitors, or members of staff.
  • You may not bring, use, or be under the influence of drugs or intoxicating liquor or substances in any part of the gym.
  • Members of the gym, their guests, visitors, and members of staff should at all times display mutual respect for each other.
  • Complaints should be communicated privately to a member of the relevant gym’s management in writing and be dropped in the feedback boxes for quick resolution.
  • Smoking is prohibited in any area of the gym including the use of e-cigarettes or similar devices.
  • You must be dressed in suitable attire at all times when in the gym premises, and appropriate exercise clothing is required whilst exercising. Guidance as to suitable attire may be obtained from the gym management who may, at his/her/their discretion, require you to leave the gym premises, if your attire is not considered suitable.
  • Only one individual is permitted in a toilet or shower cubicle at any one time (with the exception of a parent or parent or guardian who may take his/her/their own child aged up to eight years into a shower cubicle with them).
  • Members are respectfully requested to store coats/jackets, rucksacks and bags in the lockers provided and the same cannot be brought onto the gym floor or left unattended anywhere else in the gym.


  • You must use the main entrance to the gym when entering or leaving the gym.
  • Fire exits, which are clearly marked, are there in the interests of safety and you must not interfere with or obstruct fire doors for any reason.
  • You must read the health & safety notices posted outside any equipment or facility rooms in the gym and comply with the recommendations.
  • You must comply with any reasonable requests made by the members of staff in relation to matters of health and safety.
  • We reserve the right to amend the gym rules at any time and if necessary, without notice to you. We will always attempt to notify you of any changes, especially in relation to health and safety.


  • Whilst in our gym, members should respect others’ personal space.
  • Opening times for the gym will be prominently displayed at the gym and on our Website and/or social media platforms.
  • Steam, Sauna, Jacuzzi and Spa treatment facilities will close 15 minutes before the advertised closing time to allow members time to change. All other facilities (including the gym floor) will remain open until the advertised closing time.
  • You may not bring pets onto the gym premises.
  • You must not bring weapons/pistols/knives/daggers etc. to the gym premises.
  • We reserve the right to use any individual or group photographs or movie shots of you for press or promotional purposes.
  • Where reasonably possible, we will notify you of any filming or photography taking place in the gym and may ask you to sign a use of image rights form to consent.
  • There may be instances such as events where gym management arrange for photographs to be taken for events. This will be communicated in the gym. You must inform a member of staff if you have concerns about this and make it known before you or any of your family members participate in the event.
  • We reserve the right to show potential members and other individuals the facilities of the gym on a trial basis.


We will deal with all information we hold about you in line with our privacy policy which you can get from our website. If you want to know what information we hold about you, or you want us to correct any information we hold about you, the appropriate procedures are set out in our privacy policy.

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